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流工具箱:Ateliere发现, Axinom Mosaic和nanocosmos


In this article, I’ll look at three tools that provide interesting services for building media services and products. Old terms from a few years ago like “MAM” (media asset management) and “OVP” (online video platform) seem a bit out of date. The focus of these tools’ companies has become much broader than the ways we’ve previously defined these terms. Ateliere Creative Technologies provides not just traditional MAM capabilities but also content management and app delivery. 同样,Axinom也有一个用于构建后端服务的开发平台. nanocosmos扩展了旧的OVP模型,提供低延迟的实时视频, 交互产品开发人员. 当我看到两个生成物有一点重叠的时候, 试着把这里的一切都用在一起会很有趣.


Ateliere发现 was developed 5 years ago to support a previous business and has grown into an app streaming infrastructure that provides content management and app delivery. It is kind of a stealth product since the bulk (but not all) of Ateliere’s sales come through resellers like Synamedia. Ateliere发现为连接电视和移动应用程序提供模板定制, which relieves companies that are planning D2C services from the burden of building their apps from scratch. The content management part of Ateliere发现 provides content catalog controls like publishing date, geo-gating, 以及权利管理.

据Ateliere首席执行官Dan Goman称,Ateliere最近重新编写了该平台. “我们使用一种名为Flutter的新编程语言, 在开发应用程序时,哪一种语言比更传统的编程语言有显著的优势,” Goman says. “One of the key things is that it allows very rapid deployment because you develop the code once, 你可以在所有平台上重用它. So you’re essentially maintaining one code base versus potentially six or seven across different platforms.”

Ateliere发现的主要优势之一, Goman says, 它使开发人员能够多快地启动D2C服务. “真的是几天的问题, 只要我们的系统中有来自客户的内容,戈曼认为. “点击几下,你就可以启动服务本身. 另一个非常有价值的东西,” he continues, “is the ability to dynamically change up your entire app with a click of a button if you’re not happy with the look and feel.”

Ateliere的方法是,每当开发者提出应用时, the company gives them the tools to build a shell that can be instantiated with whatever information is in the cloud. 这意味着如果他们愿意的话,可以快速地改变完全不同的外观和感觉. “你无需重新发行就能有效地重组整个应用, 这为你节省了大量的时间和金钱,” Goman says.

“Ateliere整合了整个CMS/OVP链, 包括整合SVOD和AVOD货币化平台,戈曼说. Ateliere发现为大多数主要平台提供智能电视和移动应用程序, including iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, and Google TV, 的模板化定制.”

Ateliere clients can look at usage analytics and even send notification to entice viewers back to the app, Goman says. “几乎每个客户都要求在分析中进行某种程度的定制.”

Typically, Ateliere begins working with customers at a point when their platform is in some stage of development, with the hope that Ateliere can meet them where they are without requiring them to start again from scratch. “The entire platform itself is built in a modular fashion where we have the ability to very quickly plug and play—CDNs, ad technology, transcoders, 存储位置, DRM, etc.,” Goman says. Ateliere also integrates with Recurly to provide customer management insight and FreeWheel for ad delivery to OTT apps.

Customers have flexibility with the platform to change the customer UI by themselves without having to make an engineering request. Ateliere发现 also provides an easy-to-use layout manager with modifiable pre-existing templates. 客户可以根据需要创建其他本地化版本.



While no public pricing is available for Ateliere发现, developer documentation can be found here.

Axinom Mosaic

同样,远远超出老派MAM模型的是Axinom Mosaic, 用于构建流后端的开发平台. Axinom去年推出了这个平台, 尽管这家公司已经经营了21年, 专注于VOD资产管理. Axinom提供自己的托管服务和开源应用程序.

Axinom专注于内容处理的核心优势, management, 和供应, offering a platform flexible enough to allow its customers to piece together custom back ends using Axinom Mosaic in tandem with other services for a best-of-breed approach.

“我们总是在考虑什么应该标准化, 什么应该是灵活且开源的, 并将其整合到一个用户界面中,本杰明·施文德说, Axinom的首席产品架构师. “这很重要,因为许多公司都在用微服务思考, but they run into this challenge of how to get that into one user interface and connect everything.”

Axinom Mosaic的技术栈通过在不同的服务上调用GraphQL API来工作, 所有操作都通过API自动化.

Axinom Mosaic

The premise of Axinom Mosaic 是提供一种构建复杂后端的简化方法. 可扩展的解决方案提供了预定义的工作流,用户可以根据需要对其进行定制. “The open source part of Mosaic comes with a template you can use to build any further workflows you want to have in your content management system,施文德说. 与Axinom马赛克, whatever microservices developers are using should be able to exchange data and communicate with other services.

“找到一种方法来统一他们的api, 使(CMS)在规模上更具性能是Mosaic关注的重点,Stefanie Schuster说, Axinom的首席商务官. “The provisioning layer between the content management and the front-end applications needs to be highly scalable, 因为数以百万计的请求来到这些中间件服务.”


  • 你管理你的元数据, 然后将其发布到前端应用程序可以发送请求的目录服务中.

  • 您管理您的订阅计划, and then you have a billing service in the background where front-end applications send their transactions request.

Another thing Axinom focuses on is how to use Axinom Mosaic to look into ways you can renew your platform gradually. 潜在用户包括开发人员,以及内容编辑和设计人员.

Axinom Mosaic是按月提供的, 使用基于用户消费水平的现收现付账单, 没有最低承诺或基本费用. 更多信息请访问 www.axinom.com/products/mosaic.


纳米宇宙纳米流云 is a live-streaming platform used by developers who want to incorporate real-time interactivity into their products using low-latency video. The platform includes a player, a CDN, and multi-cloud hosting with hundreds of servers worldwide. 它使用nanocosmos自己的超低延迟(ULL)协议.


nanocosmos nanoStream云仪表板

ULL的目标延迟——端到端/玻璃到玻璃——是亚秒级的, 300 ms, 哪一个是可配置的,通常在1秒左右. “我们创造了自己的配送技术, and that meant that we also needed to provide the server infrastructure because available CDNs don’t provide that,纳米宇宙的所有者兼主管奥利弗·利茨说. “This is neither HLS nor DASH, but a hybrid version: ULL-HLS and ULL-DASH over HTTPs and WebSocket. 我们称之为H5Live.”

nanoStream Cloud使用H.264并支持任何编解码器和设备允许的高调配置. “It automatically picks the right streaming protocol to try to deliver the best possible user experience and quality of experience to the viewer,” says Lietz. nanocosmos opted not to use WebRTC because the company felt it wasn’t scalable and favored dropping frames to keep audio quality high.

我看到的演示使用了一个RTMP摄取流和一个通用的URL,比如RTMP://bintu-stream.nanocosmos.de/live/stream. nanoStream Cloud使用一个自动的、地理负载平衡的URL来进行摄取和播放. Lietz说,该系统会自动进行故障转移,正常运行时间为100%. 开发人员不需要进行云设置. 可以分配转码配置文件以支持各种分辨率. 用户可以在播放器中预览流.

nanocosmos提供了将流嵌入到CMS iFrame或JavaScript中的代码, 哪些可以复制粘贴到应用程序中. “新的是我们改进了实时转码和流分组的处理, 现在由单个URL和ID处理,” says Lietz. “Behind this ID, 您有不同的配置文件和转码级别, 你再也不用担心这个了.”

或者,你可以通过调用API直接从浏览器中使用网络摄像头来摄取视频. 这支持一种混合方法,也包括webbrtc /WHIP作为摄取协议.

大多数流媒体播放是在移动设备上运行的. “我们创建整个平台的原因之一是控制很重要, end to end, 对整个工作流程有深入的了解,而不是依赖于太多不同的供应商,” Lietz says. The streamed video can be “embedded into a web environment and directly connected to the users [and] to your business application.”

nanocosmos has enterprise customers in the financial industry that do real-time training for the stock exchange and in healthcare, 纳米流云在哪里用于医疗培训, 包括视频教学和屏幕共享. 其他用例可能更熟悉, 比如依赖于近乎即时交互的活动, 比如赌博和拍卖.

原始源代码对nanoStream Cloud支持的内容有限制吗? “我们没有限制,”Lietz说. “几个客户同时使用几十个流. 您可以创建任意多的流. Of course, 转码的百家乐软件是有限的, etcetera, 但这只是一个商业决策.”

纳米宇宙在其网站上提供公开定价,以及一个 developer doc.

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Streaming Toolbox is a regular feature that looks at cloud-based services that perform a wide range of functions for online video publishers, going beyond the marketing fluff and giving readers an understanding of how these platforms and services might help them.

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我将在本文中探讨的一组工具将帮助您编排工作流, 创建快速广播, 并进行多cdn全球直播管理. 使用所有这些工具, 你可以建立自己的频道,并将其传播到任何地方——甚至在中国. 这些工具是为我演示的. 为了让我测试一个应用程序, 供应商需要提供虚拟数据, 并不是每个人都能在我们的编辑时间内提供它.
